SAC Help

A forum for SAC users to exchange ideas and ask questions about SAC usage, installation, portability, etc.

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Active Message Threads for April 2007

Hi there, I'm working on a MAC OS X, tiger, V10.4.9 Processor 1.33 GHz PowerPC G4. I'm writing a program to change format from SAC to ASCII. My problem is when I use a trigonometric function, even if this function is required from SAC, there is a complain until compilation because of a conflict with sacio.a. For example, if I use into my program the following expression: ang_inc=asin(rp*vel)/(6371.5-depth_s) The compilation tells me: c-mendozas-ibook-g4:~/CMendoz… [more]
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2007-04-23 22:15:50
Hi there, Could anyone tell me how can I smooth some spectra using a Konno&Ohmachi (1998) smoothing function? I tried to create a macro, but I am not so experienced with SAC and I didn't succeed. Thanks for your help. Bogdan ------------ Bogdan Grecu National Institute for Earth Physics P.O.Box MG-2, 077125 Bucharest, Romania Tel: +40-21-4050670, Fax: +40-21-4050673 E-mail:
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kawsar laskar
2007-04-23 21:16:55
hi there, i m trying to creat velocity model from receiver functions.for this im using Ammons icmod,respknt and pwaveqn. but while running paveqn i m facing problem. when i execute pwaveqn it asks for input file.i give the input .sp_r,sp_z but it doesnt give any result..(whether my input is alright or not) when i try this paveqn with the real data it displays an error message telling problem in rotation if possible plz help me in this aspect.plz do reply . si… [more]
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Juan Gomez
2007-04-18 02:30:07 - 2007-04-19 17:16:39
Hi there, Some people has succeeded to compile programs by adding -m32 when the need to use sacio.a library. I have tried to do it, but my compiler shows an incompatibility between X64 and i386. Could someone suggest me how to fix my problem? I'm adding the compiler message and the Makefile. Thanks, JuanM >>>> Compilation message g77 -g -fno-underscoring -c sacnab2007.f g77 sacnab2007.o -lm -m32 -o /home/gomez/Bin/sacnab2007 /usr/local/Sac/lib/sacio.a /us… [more]
Bishwa Jyoti Das
2007-04-12 17:52:44
II am using the SAC software. Frist I have to correlate the two station data. Actually I want help from you, how to correlate these data using SAC. I am able to cut all the seismograms at -60 to+60. For correlation I use the following command. sac> r <Filename> <File name> sac> p2 sac> correlate sac> Xlim -0.5 0.5 sac> p1 It gives one kind of wave form of the given two seismograms at same window. >From that i am unable to get information about correlation. I just want to know from you how… [more]
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John Townend
2007-04-11 18:14:46
Hi folks, I'm away from my home base for several months, and have switched to using Cygwin on my laptop. I'd like to install SAC, but I can't find much reference to Cygwin in the sac-help archives, which suggests that what I'm trying to do is either straightforward or completely intimidating. Has someone out there successfully installed SAC under Cygwin and worked out what extra packages are necessary? I've set OSTYPE to 'linux' (because 'cygwin' isn't an option), but 'make' ends part-way… [more]
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George Sand França
2007-04-11 14:59:29
Alireza 1. What kind is your data? There are site with some converts ( and 2. You need cut your data for the number of points is the same. SAC > r file.N.sac file.E.sac SAC> cut B 0 X ----> X (seconds after the beginning the data that you want to study) SAC> r SAC> rotate SAC > George Sand escreveu: > Send sac-help mailing list submissions to > > > To subscribe or u… [more]
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kawsar laskar
2007-04-11 12:48:42
HI, EVERYBODY , I m working on correlation . i m not being capable of doing correlation using sac. plz help me in this respect. sincerely yours kawsar Send a FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Yahoo! Messenger. Get it now at
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alireza babaie
2007-04-10 15:40:48
Hello my name is Alireza.I am an M.Sc student of seismology.I'm working on accelerograms and i want to read them in sac. How can i convert them to a sac format? I have another question. When i use rotate command, the following message appears "Error 2010: number of points in pair of files are not equal:" would you please tell me what to do ? sincerely yours --------------------------------- Don't pick lemons. See all the new 2007 cars at Yahoo! Autos.
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11:57:30 v.af9cd46b