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Active Message Threads for September 2008
2008-09-30 21:15:19 - 2008-09-30 22:43:17
Hi there, I am sure this is a known issue but my searches turned up zilch so, just in case ... I came to build sac-101.2 on a NetBSD 4.99.58 platform with gcc (GCC) 4.1.3 20080202 prerelease (NetBSD nb1 20070620), the sac build being configured thus: ./configure --prefix=/local/scratch/kevin/sac-101.2 resulting in: Compliation Options for sac (Seismic Analysis Code 101.2) CFLAGS = LDFLAGS = LIBS = -lm -lcurses Debug = Optimization = Database = off… [more]
Sheila Peacock
2008-09-30 16:57:34
(re-sent) Dear All, SAC v. 101.1 either fails or crashes when I try to use "writegse". SAC v. 100 is OK with writegse. Is this a known bug? Regards, Sheila Peacock. SAC v. 100 (is OK) $ sacb SEISMIC ANALYSIS CODE [03/01/2005 (Version 100.00)] Copyright 1995 Regents of the University of California SAC> r 1986. SAC> writegse Converting waveforms . Writing station data . Writing channel data . Writing arrival data . 1 waveforms… [more]
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Xuzhang Shen
2008-09-23 23:33:05 - 2008-09-26 06:18:09
Hi, I use 'beam' to stack the waveforms (1.sac, 2.sac,...9.sac) and get the output file-*beam.SAC, and want to copy the event and station information to the *beam.SAC file, how to do? Who can help me supply a example of script? Thank you. Xuzhang Xuzhang Shen Lanzhou Institute of Seismology, China Earquake Administration (CEA) 450 Donggan Xilu, Lanzhou, Gansu Province, 730000, China Tel: +86-931-8277661 E_mail:;; 2008-09-23
Belema Altraide
2008-09-22 23:52:00
To whom it may concern I have modelled a jacket (file attached) and have performed a dynamic analysis on the structure (extract mode shapes). I have fixed the sturcture dynamically on four corners of the jacket and the topsides 222000. At the base of the structure, there is a central joint 2001 (at EL-180) that has spring values applied on them and these values are: vertical: 7000MN/. Lateral: 2500MN/m Rotational: 8E6MN/radian Torsional: 4E6MN/radian I analysed the structure with these applie… [more]
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Beatriz Gaite
2008-09-22 20:00:21
Dear to all, When removing the instrument response from the data I get some error messages that I have not been able to find what are they due to. These are: Calper is not available. Cannot tell if response is normalized, so transfer function will be used without scaling. Calib is not available. Cannot tell if scale factor has been applied on input, so transfer function will be used without scaling. Waveform multiplied by 1.000000 after deconvolution. Another error message in some da… [more]
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Nassir alarifi
2008-09-19 08:56:39
how to setup sac on mac (step by step)
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Bob Hancock
2008-09-16 19:53:58
When I view the R & T files after rotation, I occasionally notice that either the R or T file has shifted to the left, and is no longer in vertical synchronization with the Z, N, & E files. I have had this happen several times. When the shift occurs, it is always to the left, and only involves one file, either the R or T file. It has never occurred on both the R & T files. I have been unable to isolate a common denominator for this problem. Thanks Bob Hancock
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Bob Hancock
2008-09-11 20:37:20
When rotating data to GCP, I get the letter Q in place of either the radial or transverse headings on the rotated files. This has occurred on all files where I rotated the data with SAC 101.2. I reloaded SAC 101.1, and there was no problem with any of the files. Thank you, Bob Hancock
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Igor Stubailo
2008-09-09 20:48:13 - 2008-09-10 00:49:44
Hello all, I was wondering if there is an easy way to save the plots I get in sac? Saving an image in png/gif/jpeg would work but I couldn't find such options in the sac's help. Thanks, Igor
Kuang He
2008-09-06 08:49:45
> Ying Cal > There is currently no easy way to check the endianness of a sac file > directly, but > > What you can do is something like > % od -j 304 -N 4 -t d4 sacfile > 0000460 6 > 0000464 > > % od -j 304 -N 4 -t d4 sacfile.swap > 0000460 100663296 > 0000464 > > It outputs the header version number, which should be 6. If it is > not 6 (100663296 or anything else) > then you either have a byte swapped sac file or the file is not a > sacfile. This will only tell you… [more]
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Guust Nolet
2008-08-31 01:40:27 - 2008-09-04 19:00:46
This is in response to Brian Savage's request for input to the next SAC release. One thing that I hope can be improved is that SAC crashes when one mistypes an argument to the help command. At least in my Linux and Mac OSX versions. Should be a simple fix I would think. Guust Nolet Geosciences Azur 250, Rue Albert Einstein 06560 Sophia Antipolis France +
11:33:12 v.af9cd46b