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Active Message Threads for January 2009

Marcelo Bianchi
2009-01-29 20:01:21
Hi guys, Does someone noticed that SAC can read it's own written CSS files ? try for your self: fg seismograph writecss lala readcss lala.wfdisc I searched and find that it says inm the wfdisc file that the .w file is IEEE big endian (t4 css datatype) and actually it writes IEEEE little endian files (f4 css datatye). Does anyone has a patch to fix that ? regards, marcelob -- :: "This is all about life !" :: :: Find me @ ::
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Onur Tan
2009-01-29 04:47:00
Hi all, I need to get time shift of cross-correlation function of two signals. is there a way to learn the time shift value ? best regards Onur
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b shirisha
2009-01-28 19:24:59
Dear All, please can anybody tell me the use of decimation . thanking you sirisha
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b shirisha
2009-01-21 19:46:05
Dear All is there any sac command to convert macro file to ps file. The macro file contains intial event and final event in the same graphical window. so by converting it to ps file format we got only intial event, the commands we used for ps file conversion are *SAC> bg sgf* *SAC> p2* *SAC>sgftops f001.sgf <file name with .ps extension>* ** the script of macro file is as follows *xlable "time @(s@)" size tiny xdiv power off fileid off beginframe color on i on l black blue gtext font 1 si… [more]
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Steve Gao
2009-01-14 22:18:16 - 2009-01-15 20:26:09
Hi SAC experts, We have just obtained an X86-64 Redhat Linux server and I would like to install SAC on it. SAC itself works fine on the 64 bit machine but the lib/sacio.a file that came with the package cannot be compiled with FORTRAN codes. Please help. Thanks. Steve ---------------------------- Here is the error message when "make" was typed: g77 -g readsac.f -o readsac.exe \ /home/sgao/subs/wsac1gao.f \ /home/sgao/soft/sac/lib/sacio.a /usr/bin/ld: warning: i386 architecture o… [more]
Maria Silveira
2009-01-13 19:50:01 - 2009-01-14 06:35:37
Dear All Does someone know a sac command (or several in a script) to concatenate several sac files? Thanks Graça Silveira -- Graça Silveira Professora Adjunta Área Científica de Física Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa Rua Conselheiro Emídio Navarro 1959-007 Lisboa tel: 218317135 Centro de Geofísica da Universidade de Lisboa Edifício C8 Campo Grande 1749-016 LISBOA email: tel: 217500812
gilberto saccorotti
2009-01-13 02:24:09
Dear all: I'm repetitively trying to compile SAC on my 64-bit HP machine (mandriva 2007 linux arch) using: % ./configure --x-libraries=/usr/X11R6/lib I also tried to force 32-bit detection: % env CFLAGS="-m32" but I always get the same weirdness: ***************************************************************** configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables ***************************************************************** due to some 'imultilib' unrecognised option, as depic… [more]
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Sheila Peacock
2009-01-13 01:25:12
Dear all, These were suggested by my colleague. I can take no credit for them. Some of the SAC commands have been abbreviated. Regards, Sheila Peacock. Sheila, if they want to know the frequency at which the maximum amplitude occurs, then r $1 rtr taper fft * add any smoothing in here keepam markptp lh t1 does the trick. The maximum value of an amplitude spectrum can be simply obtained by fft keepam lh depmax Do they want to know the frequency when this occurs? the value of the t… [more]
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2008-11-06 18:37:05 - 2009-01-13 00:15:57
Dear All Is there any sac command to find the value of tn marker ? I mean if t1=100. can I find out the Y-value at that time? thanks all. weitao
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