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Active Message Threads for November 2009

Maria Silveira
2009-11-26 01:56:01
Hello Does somenoe know how to define a page orientation in sac in order to have portrait instead of landscape? I know that I can define a size using xvport and also SGF. Can I do it differently? Best regards -- Graça M. Silveira Centro de Geofísica da Universidade de Lisboa Edifício C8 Campo Grande 1749-016 LISBOA tel: +351217500812 email:
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2009-11-22 23:09:40
*Dear* I want to know about making resp files in SAC, And I want to remove instrument responses, And I want to know ,how I can cover 2 spetral curves in one sheet in SAC? Best Regards
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John Nabelek
2009-11-20 21:59:54
Hi Running 'unwrap' both on solaris and mac os x I get the following error: "remove this function: src/co/zmemad()". What does this mean? Is this a bug? Cheers -John -- John Nabelek College of Oceanic & Atmospheric Sciences Oregon State University 104 COAS Admin Bldg Corvallis, OR 97331 e-mail: tel: (541) 737-2757, fax: (541) 737-2064
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LeRoy Dorman
2009-11-18 19:30:58 - 2009-11-19 00:30:53
I am trying to produce a sac file containing a sequence of sawteeth. The macro file is: *this is a SAC macro to generate a sawtooth, approximating a *stick-slip source. funcgen line -2 1. npts 50 delta 0.01 qdp off *plot *pause funcgen impstrin 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 npts 10000 delta 0.01 convolve master 1 plot write sawtooth.sac Executing this… [more]
Shantanu Pandey
2009-11-11 20:57:49
Hi all I have a simple question. While using rsac1 which is for evenly spaced file, what does evenly spaced means ??? is it evenly spaced sample data or what? another question is i am making some changes in header like the time of the origin of an event and using wsac0 but after that for some data (not all) it is saying that "data not evenly spaced" when am again using the rsac1 cmd. do i need to use : CALL SETLHV ('LEVEN', .TRUE.,NERR) to counter this problem? -- Shantanu Pandey **********… [more]
Januka Attanayake
2009-11-10 00:12:10 - 2009-11-10 20:54:41
Hi, I used READTABLE function as follows but have been getting ERROR 1301: No data files read in. READTABLE CONTENT P. file_a.txt Also, I tried XN . in the place of P. without any luck. file_a.txt (in the same directory) looks like this with column 1 being time and column 2 being amplitude, 1.23E+003 1.40E-010 1.23E+003 1.10E-010 1.23E+003 8.18E-011 1.23E+003 5.43E-011 1.23E+003 2.80E-011 1.23E+003 3.23E-012 READTABLE should be a simple operation (right?). Could someone please … [more]
Mac Green
2009-11-06 22:10:27
1.2982 1.2938 1.3011 1.3099 1.3040 1.2982 1.2982 1.3011 1.3070 1.3055 1.3011 1.2996 1.2938 1.3011 1.3055 1.3026 1.2996 1.2923 1.2952 1.3011 1.3055 1.3055 1.2982 1.2938 1.2938 1.3055 1.3084 1.3055 1.2996 1.2967 1.3055 1.3… [more]
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Geo .
2009-11-04 23:49:36 - 2009-11-05 19:01:28
Hello everyone, I have a time series of synthetic traces and would like to convert them to SAC format. I know I could use the CONVERT function but before that I have to format the ASCII (time series) file by arranging the values for sac header. Is there a utility to do this pre-formatting before I could use the CONVERT function? ex. I believe my ASCII file should look like the following before using CONVERT 0.125 -7441.313 4087.937 1 -12345 -12.734… [more]
Chad Trabant
2009-11-04 01:40:52
Hi Stuart, SAC is now a community developed and supported program, the best place to find help is the sac-help mailing list (CC'd), list info is here: . What you describe smells like an endian issue, search through the email archive I found this message: Using sac 101.2 I was able to successfully read back data written on my little-endian Mac by changing… [more]
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Dylan Mikesell
2009-10-21 17:19:27 - 2009-11-01 18:32:41
Hi SAC users, I am having some issues with timing...please see my steps below and I have attached the miniseed file in case anyone wants to try this themselves. I am losing millisecond information when I use the command ms2sac to convert data. I wonder if anyone has seen this before and how to fix it? Thanks, Dylan Mikesell 1) I read miniseed time information dmikesell@stonefly:$ mseedhdr Net: FST: 2007:222:15:32:56.8800 LST: 2007:222:16:02:56.876000 n… [more]
10:18:20 v.af9cd46b