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Active Message Threads for April 2009

Arthur Snoke
2009-04-30 18:24:54
In preparing an update for the polezero section of the transfer help page, I decided to try it (I use polezero files, but not within SAC). I found that the sample given in the current help message does not work, and would appreciate comments from those who have used it (successfully). Also, the documentation claims that the search will look for a polezero file in ${SACHOME}/polezero/. I tried that, but it did not work. The sample given is EXAMPLE: suppose the file was named sro.pz and… [more]
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Peter Goldstein
2009-04-28 16:49:17
Dear Professor Yamada, Thank you for sharing your problem with getline. This message is being forwarded to our sac-help mailing list which you can sign up for at the following link. Cheers, Peter >X-IronPort-Anti-Spam-Result: >AisCAMKk9kmCNoJUmWdsb2JhbACWaAEBAQEBCAsKBxG4HINzBQ >X-AuditID: 82368249-af190bb000004e92-7d-49f707c39d33 >Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2009 22:42:24 +0900 >From: Masumi Yamada <> >Use… [more]
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Arthur Snoke
2009-04-24 22:25:37 - 2009-04-27 23:46:47
Unfortunately, the file I sent was the unaltered "transfer' help file, rather than my revised "polezero" subset of that file. The desired file (I hope) is attached. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Fri, 24 Apr 2009 14:36:39 -0400 (EDT) From: Arthur Snoke <> To: SAC-help Listserv <> Subject: [SAC-HELP] polezero option We are preparing the next update for SAC, and I have been looking at some "help" files called from within SAC (and in the… [more]
George Helffrich
2009-04-27 20:30:51
Dear All - Here's my rewrite of the polezero response removal text to clarify some of the issues raised in the version proposed earlier. For sanity, use a fixed-pitch font to view the text. ------ POLEZERO OPTION: One of the instrument types is called POLEZERO. This type lets you describe a general instrument response by specifying a file which contains its poles and zeros. The options in the file are keyword driven and the numbers are in free format. You may specif… [more]
George Helffrich
2009-04-27 20:26:47
Dear All - My rewrite will arrive in a separate posting anon. Some comments on Arthur's: On 26 Apr 2009, at 14:26, Arthur Snoke wrote: > Thank you George and Kuang-He for comments. Kuang-He picked up on a > typo in the equation I wrote. I wrote him off list with a corrected > version that he said was okay: > > (s-z1)*(s-z2)*...*(s-zn) > ________________________ > > (s-p1)*(s-p2)*...*(s-pm) > > ... > >> %%%filters aren't causal, either! > > The polezero transfer functions are analog fi… [more]
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VIAGRA ® Official Site
2009-04-26 05:39:27
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Arthur Snoke
2009-04-24 21:36:39
We are preparing the next update for SAC, and I have been looking at some "help" files called from within SAC (and in the computer accessible manual), and have changed a few. Because there were several e-mail exchanges regarding the polezero option of transfer, I looked closely at SAC> help transfer I am attaching my first draft for a replacement of that section of the transfer help command. Please share comments/corrections, etc. Others I have already worked on are 04graphics, 09file_… [more]
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Shahar Shani Kadmiel
2009-04-21 19:25:42
I am working on a Macbook pro connected to another monitor in "split screen" mode. When I plot, XWindows comes up split between both screens - this is very annoying. Using VSPACE I tried to change that but only the aspect ratio of the plot changed - the window still came up split between the two screens. XVPORT didn't do the job either. How do I make XWindows to come up only on one screen? SAC ver. 101.2 OS X 10.5.6
2009-04-14 21:20:58 - 2009-04-16 16:35:36
Hello,Mr./Miss I am trying to remove the response from the SAC data, and I want to know what is the units of "POLES" in the response-file. Thank you very much! ___________________________________________________________ 好玩贺卡等你发,邮箱贺卡全新上线!
Chad Trabant
2009-04-10 02:19:00 - 2009-04-13 16:17:58
Melaku, I can't help you verify the RefTek gain value. If the equipment is from the IRIS PASSCAL Instrument Center perhaps you can ask them for more details of the digitizer. If the data was processed by PASSCAL you might also have the data in SEED format in which case you can use the rdseed program to create the SAC poles and zeroes file for you. If you have a manual or any documentation for the digitizer it might be in there as well. Chad On Apr 9, 2009, at 5:46 PM, Melaku … [more]
2009-04-12 08:49:06 - 2009-04-13 00:07:38
Selam Melaku, If you got the zeroes and poles files from IRIS/PASSCAL, you should be able to get the constants as well. once you removed responses from other instruments you can run: Trans from none to wa if you want to simulate WA instrument record. Good luck, Atalay --- On Thu, 4/9/09, Melaku Ayenew <> wrote: > From: Melaku Ayenew <> > Subject: [SAC-HELP] Calculating the CONSTANT to use to remove instument response > To: sac-help@iris.washington.ed… [more]
Hello Melaku, I am forwarding this to the sac-help list in the hopes that it may garner the attention of more expertise. Your calculation of CONSTANT looks generally correct with the exception of the 2*pi, it should not be included. A standard gain STS-2 should be nominally 1500 Volts/meters/second, which needs to be scaled if you want nanometers. I have no idea what the digitizer gain for a RefTek 130 is, but lets assume your number is correct for now. CONSTANT = A0 * SensorGai… [more]
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Melaku Ayenew
2009-04-08 23:50:56 - 2009-04-09 04:13:57
Hi All, I am trying to remove instrument responses from STS_2, CMG3T. CMG_ES broadband instruments. I got the poles and zeros from IRIS Pascal Instrumentation. But I have difficulty figuring out what constant I should use in the *.pz file that has to read by the SAC TRANSFER command. For example, I was trying to synthesis a WA seismogram by removing the STS_2 response and convoulating the WA response. I used a constant of 1 in this calcultion. The synthesis seismogrm looks good but the displace… [more]
2009-04-02 19:03:12 - 2009-04-04 00:34:46
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2009-04-03 14:14:47 - 2009-04-04 00:30:58
Dear Sac user's, I use SAC to analyze the seismogram, but when I use the sgftops conversion utility to convert the sgf file to ps file, it says that it cannot execute binary file. I have found some examples on internet, where the command "sgftops" can be used directly in SAC. SAC> r file.sac SAC> bd sgf SAC> p SAC> sgftops f001.sgf sh:/usr/local/sac/bin/sgftops: cannot execute binary file Can you give me some advices? Thank you so much. Waiting to hearing from you. María … [more]
2009-04-01 08:57:46
Dear Mohamed Kamaleldin Abdel Galeil Salah if you know the pole-zeros then you have to multiply the constant of the digitizer with the constant of the recording instrument and possibly with 2pi. -- Agalos Apostolos Phd student of Seismology - University of Athens ###Personal Info### Greek: English: > > Message: 5 > Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2009 19:03:27 +0100 > From: Mohamed Kamaleldin Abdel Galeil Salah <moha… [more]
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Philip Crotwell
2009-04-01 00:18:28
Hi Just tried your example sac file with GEE, our education data viewer, yet another test passed. GEE is here if you are interested. Only additional thing I noticed was the kinst, kstnm and knetwk headers which were MyInstru, MyStatna and MyNetwor. They should probably either be somewhat meaningful or set to the null value. KINST is "Generic name of recording instrument. " and so you could put something in there to identify either the mac's accelerometer or maybe … [more]
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12:02:54 v.af9cd46b