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Active Message Threads for November 2010

maria manakou
2010-11-30 21:05:07
(no body)
Brian Savage
2010-11-23 01:02:23 - 2010-11-23 15:27:46
The message below has been identified as a bug in 101.4 and I can confirm this behavior using the ohpf command on my system. This came about during the conversion from 32 to 64 bit version of sac. If you require this patch before the release of version 101.5, please contact me directly. This fix will be made available in version 101.5, coming out next year. Thank you for reporting this bug to the sac-help mailing list. Brian Savage Re: OHPF / WAPF On Nov 22, 2010… [more]
Mario Ruiz Fernandez
2010-11-23 02:27:42
Hello, Anybody knows if there is any problem related with the recent ubuntu kernels and SAC? It seems to be a bug with Time interpretation when using ppk with an OHPF file opened. Last months ago I was working with SAC version 101.3b and everything worked properly. But I recently actualized my ubuntu pc and this strange ppk image (see the attached file) appears. I obtain the same strange figure when using SAC version 101.3b and 101.4, so I think it is not a SAC problem but a linux one, a… [more]
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sisay alemayehu
2010-11-19 08:20:50 - 2010-11-19 23:18:49
HI  ,I am just a beginner of sac software user. I have SEGY format data, how can I run using sac ? Is it possible to read REFTEK data format using sac ? thanks alot sisay
  • Re: hello - Marcelo Bianchi - 2010-11-19 21:47:29
    • Re: hello - Jessie Bonner - 2010-11-19 16:12:09
      • Re: hello - Marcelo Bianchi - 2010-11-19 23:18:49
Mario Ruiz Fernandez
2010-11-17 02:55:19
Hello, I'm running sac version 101.2 on a Ubuntu 2.6.31-22-generic-pae #68-Ubuntu SMP i686 GNU/Linux machine: /SEISMIC ANALYSIS CODE [09/04/2008 (Version 101.2)] Copyright 1995 Regents of the University of California/ and I'm obtaining this error when picking phases with ppk (ppk p 1 bell off): /ERROR 0: Resulting error from shift exceeded tolerance (1e-6): 0.00044702 Please report bug to: I have the following enviromental variables in my .cshrc: se… [more]
amin khalil assoc. prof of seismolo
2010-11-13 05:31:17
dear sac-help I have problem with graphics. when I type plot or plot1 the program crashes with message segmentation fault. the sac version I use is 101.1. I use fedora 12. Best regards -- Amin Esmail Khalil, Assist. Prof Geology Dept., Faculty of Science Helwan Univ., Cairo, Egypt tel: home: +202 33750515 mobile: +2010 66 209 26
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coralie aubert
2010-11-10 16:47:00 - 2010-11-10 23:03:54
(no body)
John Alexander Gonzalez Linares
2010-11-10 00:58:33 - 2010-11-10 03:32:57
Hi all, I am working with seismological data in sac format and I am interested in bringing the transmission responses of data to the tau-p domain. I think SAC software has not this function.Nevertheless, one possibility is to use SU software from Colorado School of Mines to do that. My problem is: How can sac data be transformed into a compatible SU format (like segy)? Thanks in advance for any suggestions or comments and best regards, John Gonzalez -- The University of Edin… [more]
Vladimir Karpinsky
2010-11-08 06:11:13 - 2010-11-09 19:05:30
Hi SAC users! Half of year ago I tried to read CSS files under 101.3b (see Today I tried to read CSS data again. Now I have sac version 101.4b but nothing changed, after command readcss I see usual: SAC> readcss ./test_val.wfdisc No wfdisc file(s) found in the specified directory ERROR 1301: No data files read in. or big fault: SAC> readcss ./test_val.wfdisc No wfdisc file(s) found in the specified directory **… [more]
Mac Green
2010-11-02 17:06:58 - 2010-11-04 18:55:52
Hi SAC Users, I am using a rotational sensor with a transfer function W(f) = A*s^2/[(s - p1)*(s - p2)*(s - p3)*(s - p4)*(s - p5)], where: A=6727500 V/(rad/sec)*Hz^3; p1 = 0.02 Hz p2 = 0.04 Hz p3 = 23 Hz p4 = 65 Hz p5 = 90 Hz I would appreciate any help in converting data that is currently in counts to data in radians or radians per second. Thanks.
Ralph Archuleta
2010-10-31 19:40:22 - 2010-11-01 22:55:39
I would like to get a pdf of the SAC manual. Where can I download it? -- Ralph J. Archuleta Professor and Chair Department of Earth Science & Earth Research Institute University of California, Santa Barbara Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9630 Phone: (805) 893-8441 FAX: (805) 893-2314 Email: or ‹ ‹ ‹ ‹ ‹ ‹ ‹ ‹ ‹ ‹ ‹ ‹ ‹ ‹ Please note new email address: Institute for Crustal Studies merged with another Institute at UCSB
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