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Active Message Threads for August 2012

Dolores Gonzalez
2012-08-28 21:24:35 - 2012-08-28 23:45:26
Hi, I'm trying to install sac in my computer running 64-bit Linux distribution fedora. I set the path like in the README file. After do that i get an error: bash: /home/user/sac/bin/sac: cannot execute binary file. Can you help me please. Tanks. M.C. Ma. Dolores González Mellado CFE-GEIC Dpto. de Sismotectonica Av. San Rafael Sta. Cecilia 211-B Col. San Rafael. Tlalnepantla de Baz Edo. de Mex. C.P.54120 Tel. 52294400 ext. 64227
Justin Wood
2012-08-21 21:16:23 - 2012-08-22 04:35:14
Hello all, I am having trouble reading css files into SAC (version grh-109). I believe incorrect syntax is causing the error [1301], but I'm not sure of the correct syntax (even when looking at the help file). I've typed in the following commands: readcss *.wfdisc readcss H31*.wfdisc and variants thereof, but I still receive error 1301. SAC also provides an additional message that reads: - relevant header fields left vacant - The current flist does not contain any fnames listed i… [more]
Amr El-Sharkawy
2012-08-21 15:43:45
Dear My Professors  can you help me in this problem I changed   Export SACAUX=${SACHOME}/ aux To  Export SACAUX= /usr/local/geophysics/sac/aux My screen become black And i can not now enter my user even if i write my password Just black screen Soo plz how can i enter my linux??? And do my repairs!! If this will require anew Linux system?? With All Respect and appreciation amr   Amr El-Sharkawy Seismologist, National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics, (NRIAG), Egypt. e-mail: amr_e… [more]
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Jorge Real
2012-08-21 01:37:42 - 2012-08-21 03:05:44
hello!!!! I'm using the comand sgftops for change the sgf file to ps file, and I receive this error: SAC> sgftops f001.sgf sh: sgftops: Permission denied my sac version is: [08/24/2009 (Version 101.3b)] thanks jorge real -- Jorge Arturo Real Pérez Cel (044) 5514763979 student of seimology UNAM
Amr El-Sharkawy
2012-08-15 00:17:19 - 2012-08-15 21:30:10
Dears My Professors How it is going. Can you help me, my problem with sac is the following But when i wrote echo $SACAUX  It gives me nothing Empty line And this is in my bashrc file Export SACHOME= /usr/local/ bin/sac Export SACAUX= ${SACHOMe}/aux Export PATH=  "/usr/local/bin/usr/local/bin/sac/sac/bin:$PATH And really i need to know what is the point!!! with all respect and appreciation amr   Amr El-Sharkawy Seismologist, National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics, (NRIAG)… [more]
Mohit Agrawal
2012-08-09 18:36:46 - 2012-08-11 00:27:36
Hello Everyone, Is there any command in SAC which can remove a particular header from a sac file ? Thanks, Regards -- *Mohit Agrawal PhD Candidate | Research Assistant | Geophysics (Computational Seismology) Dept. of Geology | Baylor University Geophysics Lab, E453R | Baylor University Sciences Building (BSB) | Office: E454R,BSB. Phone- 254-710-2172 ( lab), 254-710-2155(office), 281-460-8941(Personal) Email :, Home Address : Apt # 207, 1500 s,… [more]
2012-08-03 16:34:22 - 2012-08-10 20:32:43
Dear SAC users, I could notice unexpected differences in spectrogram output when changing ymin and ymax ranges, and I did this synthetic test: SAC> fg random 1 2 npts 1200 delta 0.5 ; w noise.sac SAC> fg sine 1 0 npts 1200 delta 0.5 ; mul .5 ; w sine.sac SAC> r sine.sac ; addf noise.sac ; w sac_noise.sac SAC> r sac_noise.sac ; rtr ; spectrogram w 30 s 5 ymin .05 ymax 1.5 <-- case 1 SAC> r sac_noise.sac ; rtr ; spectrogram w 30 s 5 ymin .5 ymax 1.5 <-- case 2, (zoom around 1Hz) in c… [more]
Juan Payero
2012-08-10 18:11:29
Hello Mohit, You can use the command: ch stla '-012345' for change the station latitude to nothing or another header from a sac file. Some header is'nt impossible change, because it have special characteristic from the file. In sac program you can say: help ch for another example. Juan. > Hello Everyone, > > Is there any command in SAC which can remove a particular header from a > sac > file ? > > Thanks, > > Regards > > -- > *Mohit Agrawal > PhD Candidate | Research Assistant … [more]
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Mohit Agrawal
2012-08-07 17:00:52
Hello Everyone, I know this is the place to discuss only about SAC but I need some help to save my earth model into MatTaup (MATLAB version of taup )to calculate the phase arrival times. My model consists the values for Vp, Qkappa, Vs, Qmu, density and depth which not a standard model but a combination of AK135 and PREM models. How can I use MatTaup to calculate the arrival times of different phases according to my model ? Should I use spherical earth model OR flat earth model to calculate p… [more]
Dear all, I am new to SAC. Does anyone know how to create a segy file or Seismic Unix format (SU) file (or binary file without header) using SAC? How can we choose it to be IBM or IEEE format? Best regards, Yi Tao
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Yun Wang
2012-08-02 21:32:06 - 2012-08-03 15:08:22
I know there is command "window" that can be used to adjust the window size. But how can I set the default window size ? Thanks. Yun
Dr. Stewart A. Levin
2012-08-02 16:49:32
Yesterday I converted a petroleum industry passive recording in SEG-D format to the SAC format. This week-length seismogram was recorded at a 2 millisecond sample rate and contains about 300 million samples. We can expect to see significant growth is such industry activity and an opportunity to enhance IRIS research with such densely sampled (both temporal and areal sampling) data. However, the binary SAC header isn't fully up to handling these data in (at least) the following two ways: 1)… [more]
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09:55:51 v.af9cd46b