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Active Message Threads for October 2013

Domenico Di Giacomo
2013-10-30 16:09:30
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2013-10-28 17:00:57
Hello to all, does anybody can help me to merge a lot of events into a single file. I tried a lot hard but i can not, and how to read and plot all these events in same time ? my events file are represented like that, i want to merge them without rename the file , otherwise the process will be to long. 2007-04-30-1224-53S.TIM___040_DAL___SHZ__SAC 2007-04-30-1421-19S.TIM___040_DAL___SHZ__SAC 2007-05-01-0749-42S.TIM___040_DAL___SHZ__SAC 2007-05-01-1058-17S.TIM___040_DAL___SHZ__SAC Thank you t… [more]
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siti latifah via LinkedIn
2013-10-22 10:34:37
LinkedIn ------------ siti latifah requested to add you as a connection on LinkedIn: ------------------------------------------ Sac Help, I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn. - siti Accept invitation from siti latifah… [more]
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Januka Attanayake
2013-10-21 12:00:22 - 2013-10-21 21:32:22
Hi,  I am just wondering how I should handle instrument response deconvolution when the constant is set to zero in pole zeroes files? Is there a standard practice in this case?  Thanks ! Januka.  _______________ Serenity isn't freedom from the storm, but peace within the storm Januka Attanayake Postdoctoral Research Associate Laboratório de Sismologia Departamento de Física Instituto Superior Técnico Av. Rovisco Pais, 1 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal  University email: januka.attanayake@ist.ut… [more]
Januka Attanayake
2013-10-17 15:14:24 - 2013-10-17 18:34:24
Hi,  I am trying to concatenate a couple of variables within a do loop as follows,  DO FILE WILD *.BHZ.*.SAC   READ $FILE    SETBB INSNAME ' ( CONC SAC_PZs_ &1,KNETWK _ &1,KSTNM _BHZ_) ' ENDDO This used to work in a previous version of SAC but not in the 101.6 version. Can someone please  point me to the correct syntax? I am on a MAC OS X (mountain lion). Thanks ! Januka.   _______________ Serenity isn't freedom from the storm, but peace within the storm Januka Attanayake Postdoctoral R… [more]
2013-10-15 23:45:16
dear all ; Am new user in linux operating system , can some one help me to install and use rdseed to convert data seed format. jalal -- *Abdeljalil LBADAOUI*Earth System Physics Section International Centre for Theoretical Physics Strada Costiera 11 I-34151 Trieste - Italy Phone : +39-040-2240150 Mobile : <>
2013-10-14 16:53:50 - 2013-10-14 20:25:41
dear all , Please can some one help me to install Sac , I am new in linux operating system thank you too much. Jalal
Mohit Agrawal
2013-10-11 04:39:38 - 2013-10-11 16:46:44
Hello SAC users, I want to add a line something like this in a C program *sprintf(str,"cd rdtmp; sac; r *.SAC; interpolate delta 1.0; w over; quit; ../%s"); system(str);* What I want to do is that C program opens SAC and read in the files with extension ".SAC" and then interpolate the data. But when I am adding the above lines, It always stuck just after opening SAC and don't run the following commands. Any suggestion in this regard will be appreciated. Thanks, -Mohit
Mohit Agrawal
2013-10-10 23:25:26
Hi All, Is there a way to convert sac files to seed files ? Thanks, -Mohit
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Mohit Agrawal
2013-10-09 16:26:20
Dear SAC users, I need to change the displacement seismograms which are in "nm(nano-meter)" units to "m(meter)". How can I do this ?. I got these displacement seismograms after removing the instrument response using transfer function in sac. Thanks -Mohit
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Mohit Agrawal
2013-10-07 04:54:08 - 2013-10-08 19:01:46
Hi All, I am trying to remove instrument response but I am getting these errors. Any one can provide me solution for it ? SAC> SETBB RESP "/home/mohit/Ambient_Noise_Processing/NOISE_2012_2/NOISE_GC17_GC18/DATA/2012/244/RESP.X4.GC17..BHZ" SAC> r ./GC17BHZ SAC> rtr Slope and standard deviation are: -1.8385e-06 0.00091153 Intercept and standard deviation are: 0.096362 45.47 Data standard deviation is: 6683 Data correlation coefficient is: 6.8617e-06 SAC> taper SAC> TRANSFER FROM EVALRESP FNA… [more]
Badr Rumaih
2013-10-02 12:19:46 - 2013-10-02 20:31:48
Hi all, I seem to be missing the macro, ttsac, in MacSAC, required by split_sheba. Is this an old macro that might be only available on older versions of SAC? Many thanks, Badr Best, B. W. Rumaih SWP, Stanford (323) Rumaih-1
2013-10-01 21:47:44 - 2013-10-02 02:04:52
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Abhash Kumar via LinkedIn
2013-10-01 04:25:41
LinkedIn ------------ Abhash Kumar requested to add you as a connection on LinkedIn: ------------------------------------------ Sac Help, I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn. - Abhash Accept invitation from Abhash Kumar… [more]
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12:24:30 v.af9cd46b