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Active Message Threads for March 2014

2014-04-01 11:40:47 - 2014-03-31 21:23:32
Can anyone help me in generating a H-K stack plot(Zhu and Kanamori) to compute poisson ratio from teleseismic receiver functions? Is there any routine on SAC to do it? Sincerely, Samarth
2014-02-13 23:22:13 - 2014-03-31 16:50:38
Hi, dear Sir, When I applied to get the SAC, I received this message under text with the attached code, my problem is that I want to install the on windows 7. Please tell me how to do it. Best regards, Ashraf ________________________________ From: Gale Cox [] Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 8:14 PM To: Ali Ashraf Cc: Gale Cox Subject: Re: SAC Software Request v101.6a-SAC Source Code Attached is the compressed tar file with the source code and makefiles for SAC v… [more]
Martha Savage
2014-03-31 06:00:26
Dear Sac users, Sorry for adding more questions on instrument response. We have been trying to do instrument response removal and have had the following concern: I was hoping you might be able to clarify an issue I'm having with the SAC TRANSFER function. In this example, I will use a polezero file, but I found the same problem with response files. My objective is to go from a velocity time series record to a velocity time series record with a removed instrument response. There are two synt… [more]
2014-03-28 21:41:12 - 2014-03-29 17:32:47
I've tried to compile an old file which requires a subroutine from old version of sac (reach,getfil,kidate) and I do not know how can I introduce them to my current running sac on my machine (Version 101.6a). Would be very appreciated if anybody could help on that issue
2014-03-25 23:53:58 - 2014-03-28 22:40:21
Hi All, If the Station Coordinate headers (STLA STLO) and Epicenter Coordinate headers (EVLA EVLO) are defined in a SAC file, SAC computes the epicentral distance (DIST) automatically. I would like to know the mathematical expression and the projection system SAC uses to compute this distance. I will be really grateful if someone can provide a link or a reference or the actual expression itself. Thanks. Avinash
Victor H. Marquez-Ramirez
2014-03-27 17:03:33 - 2014-03-27 23:28:06
Dear all, Is there any program or code to convert data in seed format to sac data. Thank you -- Víctor H. Márquez R. Geociencias UNAM, Juriquilla
Daniel Whitehead
2014-03-19 18:05:02 - 2014-03-19 19:59:13
Email address: Dear Sir/Madam, Is there a simple way to calculate signal to noise ratio of an arrival on SAC? Best regards, Daniel Whitehead
2014-03-13 19:21:49 - 2014-03-13 20:32:18
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Luis Felipe Cazares Hernandez <> Date: 2014-03-13 12:14 GMT+01:00 Subject: help!!! To: Hello, My english is not good so i will try to explain you like i know. in the moment that i downloaded the sac program, and i try to install, the program show "0.00 over 2 days" and for this reason i can't work whit this program. if you can help me, i would be grateful. thanks
Liu, Qifan
2014-03-13 04:52:19 - 2014-03-13 15:59:05
Hello, I'm new to SAC but I'm wondering if I could adjust the axis limits of plotpm (particle motion plot)? I selected a small part of data (about 0.01s) and used plotpm. The limits of x, y axes are (-0.7, 1.9), (-0.7, 1.9) respectively. Is there anyway of adjusting these values? I need to fix them at a particular symmetric set of values. Xlim doesn't appear to work in this case this since it's in fact selecting which part of data the particle motion is based on. I really appreciate your he… [more]
Hello ; I would like to know if it is possible to define a variable in a script and call it from a SAC macro For exemple : Script : (This is a part of my script where i define my variable "x ") ..................................... (( x = nbrf/nbrj )) echo " number of stacking file is : " $x echo " Processing stacking for ever" $nbrj " days" echo "---------------------------------------------------" cd .. mkdir $nbrj cd copies # Running SAC sac <<EOF read /home/radia/Bureau/Radia/CROSS-1B/… [more]
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Tsai cheng yung
2014-03-05 11:39:54 - 2014-03-05 11:54:04
(no body)
Neil Selby
2014-02-26 00:21:15 - 2014-03-03 18:37:04
The sac_i/o functions getfhv, getihv etc print error messages to standard output if the related header variable is not defined, e.g.: ERROR 1336: Undefined header field value. DEPMIN this seems an undesirable behaviour to me, since the functions already return an error value that the programmer can handle in their own way. Is this the designed behaviour or is it something peculiar about my set-up that can be changed? many thanks, Neil
10:26:56 v.af9cd46b