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Active Message Threads for May 2014

2014-05-31 00:35:42
Hi dear friends, I can't install "mseed2sac" in windows 8, I downloaded from IRIS but I think I'm doing sth wrong, it does not recognize any command. I will appreciate any help. Regards.John C.
2014-05-29 03:29:47
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Cuiyan Kong
2014-05-28 04:04:13 - 2014-05-29 01:13:48
Yes, I installed ' Xming ', now the problem is solved. Thanks for your reply and your help. Regards, Cuiyan On Tuesday, May 27, 2014, <> wrote: > This problem is not from SAC. You need to set up Xserver in you computer > and get the remote computer terminal. > > ------------------------------ > Xuzhang Shen > Lanzhou Insitute of Seismology, China Earthquake Administration > 450# Donggan west road, Lanzhou, 730000, China > Office:+86-09318277661 ><java… [more]
Cuiyan Kong
2014-05-27 23:31:12 - 2014-05-28 16:00:35
Hi, I am learning SAC, when I input 'plot', the sentence of ' X11 Screen does not exist' shows up and SAC will quit automatically. May I know how to solve the problem? I am using the remote window connecting to the Linux system, does it matter the ' plot' command and X11 screen? I appreciate your help. Thanks Tracy
2014-05-26 19:37:18
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Kian Rady
2014-05-24 19:04:52 - 2014-05-25 04:47:16
Hello Sac users I am a sac beginner. I have a sac seismogram. The header of file is: ………. NPTS = 1326 B = 3.735695e+02 E = 1.698569e+03 IFTYPE = TIME SERIES FILE LEVEN = TRUE DELTA = 1.000000e+00 IDEP = UNKNOWN DEPMIN = -1.549182e-03 DEPMAX = 1.978065e-02 DEPMEN = 1.464839e-05 OMARKER = 0 AMARKER = 509.66 T0MARKER = 920.7 T1MARKER = 920.7 KZDATE = APR 16 (106), 2013 … [more]
2014-05-21 01:48:36 - 2014-05-21 02:18:48
hello, somebody can help me, the problem us that i dont use the sac very well, and i need to use the FFT to a station and psp am....but i dont know how i make it. thanks....sorry for my english
  • Re: sac - Milton Plasencia - 2014-05-21 02:18:48
Guust Nolet
2014-05-21 00:20:11 - 2014-05-21 00:23:00
We have a script that refuses to work in version 101.6, though before that it worked fine. The script computes the decimation factor in order to decimate from delta 0.025 to 0.1s; here is its echo to the screen: setbb new 0.1 r AU.WR0..BHZ rmean evaluate to old &AU.WR0..BHZ,delta ==> evaluate to old 0.025 evaluate to factor %new / %old ==> evaluate to factor 4 decimate %factor ==> decimate 4 ERROR interpreting command: decimate %factor ILLEGAL OPTION: ^ It does not … [more]
Helene Kraft
2014-05-20 21:57:06 - 2014-05-20 23:04:31
Hey, Is there a function in SAC to reverse the amplitudes, basically just change + and -? Thanks!
Milton Plasencia
2014-05-16 21:37:03
Nasir, I see your Sac files the HHN file is corrupt, but it is not important. To pass from 100 sps to 20 sps, you must to use the decimate command, > r ISBA_PK_HHE > decimate 5 > w ISBA_PK_HHE_20 Give a look in decimate command help, factor 5 means divide 100sps/5=20 sps HTH, Milton P. Plasencia Linares On May 16, 2014, at 9:00 AM, nasir mahmood <> wrote: > Dear Sir > hopefully you will be fine and good. I have small question about the SAC, if yo… [more]
Sheila Peacock
2014-05-16 16:23:31
Dear Nasir Mahmood, Thanks for your email. I am copying my reply to the sac-help email list so that others might see the question and reply. Do you belong to the sac-help list? If not, then you can join it by visiting and looking under "Data and Software", then under the sub-menu "Support", then "list of all mailing lists", then click on "sac-help" and follow the instructions. You asked: On 05/16/2014 07:39 AM, nasir mahmood wrote: > Dear Professor > hopefully you will be fine… [more]
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2014-05-15 20:23:09
Hello I need to divide each sample to the respective lapse time. For instance I need to evaluate log10(A/T). For example : mtw t0 -2 30 div time log10 but the problem is that I could not find "time" variable or blackboard which refers to each sample time. Thank you, Reza
Nasir Mahmood
2014-05-07 11:10:36 - 2014-05-10 03:28:36
Dear SAC users I installed iasp routine ttimes. Then I checked in terminal and got message like: [sys@localhost ~]$ ttimes  This routine for calculating travel times for specific distances uses a set of precalculated  tau-p tables for the iasp91 model. open: No such file or directory apparent state: unit 1 named /usr/local/sac/iaspei/iasp91.hed last format: list io lately writing direct formatted external IO Aborted (core dumped) I want to know is this some error from above message and want… [more]
Geo .
2014-05-08 22:41:39
Thanks all, the issue is solved with WRITEHDR instead of WRITE HEADER, a syntax error on my part. J. On 8 May 2014 11:44, Januka Attanayake <> wrote: > Hello, > I have the following short piece of SAC code embedded in a shell script, > in which I use variables declared in the shell script to write SAC > parameters (e.g. sac file name, latitude, longitude). The issue is that, > while the script runs as expected, the header variables don't get written. > I also made an at… [more]
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Geo .
2014-05-08 18:44:58
Hello, I have the following short piece of SAC code embedded in a shell script, in which I use variables declared in the shell script to write SAC parameters (e.g. sac file name, latitude, longitude). The issue is that, while the script runs as expected, the header variables don't get written. I also made an attempt of running this part as a macro by echo'ing these lines and generating a macro but the result was exactly the same. Can I not use shell variables with CHNHDR function? I am using SA… [more]
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Arnaud Pladys
2014-05-08 17:39:05 - 2014-05-08 17:52:51
I’m trying to install SAC on my mac. I put all the file from the archive in /Users/arnaudpladys/Library/sac Therefor I edited my touche profile with this line: # SAC (seismic) export PATH=${PATH}:/Users/arnaudpladys/Library/sac/bin export SACAUX=$/Users/arnaudpladys/Library/sac/aux But when I’m running $ sac I get this: Hyperion:sac arnaudpladys$ sac ERROR 108: Number 108 $/Users/arnaudpladys/Library/sac/aux/messages $/Users/arnaudpladys/Library/sac/aux/csspickpref . readcss will… [more]
Januka Attanayake
2014-05-08 10:20:35
Hello,  I have the following short piece of SAC code embedded in a shell script, in which I use variables declared in the shell script to write SAC parameters (e.g. sac file name, latitude, longitude). The issue is that, while the script runs as expected, the header variables don't get written. I also made an attempt of running this part as a macro by echo'ing these lines and generating a macro but the result was exactly the same. Can I not use shell variables with CHNHDR function? I am using S… [more]
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2014-05-06 17:27:27 - 2014-05-06 19:31:02
I have downloaded data in PASSCAL SEGY format, one file per channel. However, when I try to read in one of the files with the command 'read SEGY {filename}, , I receive an error message "ERROR 1340: data points outside allowed range contained in file {file name}". What does this mean and how do I read this data in? Douglas R. Baumgardt ________________________________ The information contained in this email message is intended only for the use of the individual(s) to whom it is addressed an… [more]
2014-05-05 23:47:49 - 2014-05-06 14:09:15
Hi friends, I have data ie. "20051001_020132.SGR.passcal" how can I convert it to .SAC?
2014-04-29 12:58:18 - 2014-05-06 01:48:37
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10:51:08 v.af9cd46b