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Active Message Threads for August 2014

Lukas Janku
2014-08-27 07:50:55 - 2014-08-27 14:54:55
Dear Sir / Madam I have just recently started to use SAC as part of my PhD research. Currently, I have encountered one problem with reading a file with READTABLE command. My input file is organized into 10 columns, containing consecutive values of the same data set, with constant time step - therefore looking like this: v1 v2 v3 ....v10 v11 v12 ... The problem is that, as I understand it according to the manual, the 'CONTENT Y.' shall put all these values into one dataset. However, instead, 1… [more]
Lukas Janku
2014-08-20 10:38:19 - 2014-08-20 20:20:13
Dear Sir / Madam I would like to ask you for help in the following matter. I have just recently started to use SAC for my PhD research. One of the purposes I need the SAC for is to analyze outputs from my numerical models and compare them with field observations. The data from my models have usually form of a time-series table (xls, txt or csv), consisting of a column of pairs time - displacement (in particular direction). Is there some simple way (utility or so) for converting these data into… [more]
Stephane Drouet
2014-08-19 18:46:29 - 2014-08-19 23:51:02
Dear all, I am plotting a number of files on the same window using plot2. I would like to remove to legend information about the files plotted because it overlays the plot of the time series. Is there a way to do that? Thank you, Stéphane -- -------------------------------! Stéphane Drouet ! Seismologist ! COGE - Observatório Nacional ! Rua General José Cristino 77 ! CEP: 20921-400 - São Cristovão ! Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil ! Tel: +55 21 3504-928… [more]
  • Re: plot2 - Milton Plasencia - 2014-08-19 23:51:02
    • Re: plot2 - Stephane Drouet - 2014-08-19 18:53:43
2014-08-18 02:02:46 - 2014-08-18 02:58:19
hello..... i have a question.....when i convert a file to fft....after that i cant read the file...the functions "read" doesnt work.....somebody knows why sorry for my english thanks
  • Re: sac - Milton Plasencia - 2014-08-18 02:58:19
Hamidatul Husna Matondang
2014-08-14 11:09:18
Dear Sir, Can I calculate SNR using SAC Thank You, Ami
  • Re: SNR - Rob Newman - 2014-08-13 21:29:11
David Yang
2014-08-13 00:59:01
Never mind. I found the problem. I just installed SAC 101.6a on my Mac running Mavericks. When I start SAC, I get the error [97]:yangmp:xyang:% /usr/local/SAC101.6a/bin/sac ERROR 108: Number 108 /usr/local/sac/aux/messages /usr/local/sac/aux/csspickpref . readcss will not read picks. ERROR: Number 901 in INITCOMLISTS. Problems opening Command List: /usr/local/sac/aux/clstd David Correspondence/TSPA
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David Yang
2014-08-13 00:55:07
I just installed SAC 101.6a on my Mac running Mavericks. When I start SAC, I get the error [97]:yangmp:xyang:% /usr/local/SAC101.6a/bin/sac ERROR 108: Number 108 /usr/local/sac/aux/messages /usr/local/sac/aux/csspickpref . readcss will not read picks. ERROR: Number 901 in INITCOMLISTS. Problems opening Command List: /usr/local/sac/aux/clstd David Correspondence/TSPA
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2014-08-12 18:54:32 - 2014-08-12 22:10:26
Dear all I’m trying to run an inversion in FORTRAN that it call a SAC macro. When I check my script in fortran, I obtained this message. Any suggestions please? Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: "_getfhv_", referenced from: _rdata_ in ccUODMIq.o "_newhdr_", referenced from: _datsac_ in ccUODMIq.o _synsac_ in ccUODMIq.o "_rsac1_", referenced from: _rdata_ in ccUODMIq.o "_setfhv_", referenced from: _datsac_ in ccUODMIq.o _synsac_ in ccUODMIq… [more]
Hamidatul Husna Matondang
2014-08-05 13:58:35 - 2014-08-08 02:26:56
Hi What unit of frequency on the filter command in SAC, radians or hertz? Thank you Ami
2014-08-07 17:06:56
These T0..Tn markers disappear when I do PLOT2 on SAC. Anyone knows hoe to keep them displayed with PLOT2 option?
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10:13:27 v.af9cd46b