SAC Help

A forum for SAC users to exchange ideas and ask questions about SAC usage, installation, portability, etc.

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Active Message Threads for June 2015

2015-06-05 21:42:54 - 2015-06-30 05:33:15
*Hello,* * I am a new user of SAC software. I Have installed sac 101.4 32 bit on ubuntu. i defined the below path on bashrc export SACHOME=/home/lenovo/sac source ${SACHOME}/bin/* *and changed the environmenta variables in as export SACHOME=/home/lenovo/sac export PATH=${PATH}:${SACHOME}/bin export SACAUX=${SACHOME}/aux* *after that on terminal i typed source ~/.bashrc.* *when i given comm… [more]
Mohit Agrawal
2015-06-19 04:40:54 - 2015-06-30 05:31:54
Hi ALL Can anybody tell me how to change KZDATE and KZTIME in sac headers? Also, I have problem in changing OMARKER header. When I put following command to it then it gives me logical error. sac> ch o 0 *ERROR 901: SAC programming logic error* what should I do to solve this problem? Regards *Mohit Agrawal*
Adam Clark (Legacy)
2015-06-29 19:56:40 - 2015-06-29 20:59:45
I'd like to start by thanking everyone on the list for their patience with any hiccups in our new mailing list system -- we have seen a few teething problems, and I apologize for any annoyance or inconvenience these may have caused. Among the problems we just discovered is that there were a few messages addressed to (the old email list address) that were not properly handled, but were instead shunted to a holding area. I am about to resend these, so you may see … [more]
Matteo Bagagli
2015-06-25 19:03:00 - 2015-06-28 14:42:02
Hello to all! I'm having some trouble with the downsampling of my data. I have a lot of time series sampled at 1 sec (delta), and I need those files to be sampled every 600 sec (10 minutes). Now I tried to apply manually a lowpass IIR filter at the new nyquist frequency (1/1200 Hz) first , and later on used the function "INTERP DELTA 600" to achieve the results. Unfortunately the results seems aliased. The function decimate (which I need to call several times) creates a lot of "border effects… [more]
Massita Putriastuti
2015-06-25 02:07:01
Hello, can anyone tell me how to rename sac files? I have a problem because my sac files name have a type like this (YR.ME01..HHZ.D.2013.280.000000.SAC), but I need it to be like this (2013. Can we do it using SAC? Thank you for your help. *MASSITA AYU CINDY, ST* *HIMA TG "TERRA" ITB | SEG SC ITB* *Master Program of Geophysical Engineering* *Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia*
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Massita Putriastuti
2015-06-24 12:12:42 - 2015-06-24 20:19:29
Hello, can anyone tell me how to rename sac files? I have a problem because my sac files name have a type like this (YR.ME01..HHZ.D.2013.280.000000.SAC), but I need it to be like this (2013. Can we do it using SAC? Thank you for your help.
IRIS Webmaster
2015-06-03 22:53:17
Welcome to sac-help! If you're receiving this message, you have been successfully migrated to the new sac-help topic at <>. This email will provide a short introduction to the new system. For the most part, the new system works just like a traditional mailing list: * You can post messages to this topic by sending email to <>. * You can browse the message archive at http://d… [more]
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IRIS Webmaster
2015-06-03 21:06:23
Welcome to sac-help! If you're receiving this message, you have been successfully migrated to the new sac-help topic at <>. This email will provide a short introduction to the new system. For the most part, the new system works just like a traditional mailing list: * You can post messages to this topic by sending email to <>. * You can browse the message archive at http://d… [more]
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IRIS Webmaster
2015-06-03 18:41:35
Hello sac-help subscribers, IRIS is moving its mailing lists to a new system which will result in a few changes to your mailing list experience. This change should occur within the next few hours. The main differences between the new IRIS Message Center and the old system you should be aware of are: 1. Mailing lists will now have their own domain name ( Old address: New address: If you have a spam catcher, whiteli… [more]
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Carmen Pro
2015-06-01 15:51:48 - 2015-06-01 23:43:26
Hi, I'd like to know the instrument type for the Wiechert seismometer in SAC when yo use "trans to WIECH", I mean, if it is a velocity or displacement instrumental response and poles and zeros values. Best, Carmen Pro -- _________________________________________ Carmen Pro Muñoz Dpto. Física- Universidad de Extremadura Centro Universitario de Mérida c/ Sta. Teresa de Jornet, nº 38 06800 Mérida (Badajoz) Tfo. 924 289300- ext:82544 _________________________________________ -- ____________… [more]
Fuchun Li
2015-06-01 04:17:20
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