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Active Message Threads for July 2015

Rumi Takedatsu
2015-07-25 00:41:05 - 2015-07-31 18:05:26
I need to compile saciterd.f, but I see some kinds of linking error, like below. Could you please give me the how to fix the problem? $ pwd /Users/rumi/Documents/sac/lib $ ls README_lib libsac.a libsacio.a sacio.a saciterd.f $ gfortran -o saciterd saciterd.f `sac-config --libs sacio sac` Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: "_arsac_", referenced from: _tdomain_ in cchQQKWF.o "_brsac_", referenced from: _tdomain_ in cchQQKWF.o "_bwsac_", … [more]
Ali Shaikhsulaiman
2015-07-26 07:18:25 - 2015-07-31 16:49:56
Hey! I am having a problem installing SAC on my mac (OS X Yosemite 10.10). I have tried to run the script (./ on bash, don’t observe any action… and then tried to check if sac has been installed somehow, however a message shows up "bash: /usr/local/bin/sac: Bad CPU type in executable”.. I am right thinking it is because of the version of my OS? since sac is only possibly valid for upto OS10.9? *would really like away to be able to install sac with on my mac? Appreciate any help… [more]
2015-07-31 16:18:52
Hello Everyone, I have a problem while rotating the three dimensional ZNE or Z12 system to three dimensional LQT system where the components are in SAC format. Basically the maths behind the rotation is known to me but what is the exact command in SAC to do this rotation is not known to me. I am able to rotate the ZNE components to ZRT components but I want LQT components for better results. I request everyone to please sort out this problem. I will be very thankful to your such effort. T… [more]
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Branden Christensen
2015-07-03 23:22:52
Hi all: Buenas tardes! OSOP and gempa are launching their *first crowdfunding campaign* on July 15th at* IndieGoGo*! We are crowdfunding a sensitive better-than-MEMS accelerometer and *earthquake early warning (EEW) device* called "Brinco", which means “jump” in Spanish. Brinco is a networked $189 accelerometer that is Wifi enabled and has the capability to deliver an audio message. All Brincos will connect to distributed data centers where fast location and magnitude calculation will be… [more]
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Phillips-Alonge, Kristin Eileen
2015-07-01 00:46:58 - 2015-07-01 12:11:50
I am trying to install sac on a Mac os x 10.10.3 (Yosemite). I know that the distribution was built on OS 10.6.8 but runs on OS10.7, 10.8, and 10.9. Has anyone tried to build on 10.10? I am fairly new to Mac and am trying to set up the environmental variables for sac installation. There appears to be some changes for how to set up environmental variables for 10.10. I edited a preexisting file called .bash_profile and added the following lines: export SACHOME=/Users/kephill/Documents/sac … [more]
2015-07-01 00:47:26
Hello Everyone, While doing receiver function inversion through rftn96, I am getting the following error. Problems with RFTN SAC FILE:2004-07-11-2314 12S.DGAR__001_BH_2R_DGAR__BH_R_SAC I am not getting what should be the proper file name to take this file as input for the DOIT.deep to run successfully. I request everyone to please sort out this problem. I will be very thankful to your such effort. Thanking You, Vedbrat IIT- Roorkee
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11:27:17 v.af9cd46b