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Active Message Threads for October 2016

Steven Taylor
2016-10-18 16:53:57 - 2016-10-26 14:03:06
Has anybody tried getting SAC going on Mac OS X 10.12 Sierra? I can’t get the X11R6 directory over to /usr which used to do the trick. Apple has blocked the ability to make any changes to /usr Thanks, Steve Taylor
Roberto Cabieces Diaz
2016-10-13 19:11:24 - 2016-10-26 12:15:46
Hi users; I would like to know if someone could help me in this topic, I have to deconvolve a sort of files (6 moths of files, file per day) and I would like to use a macro to read , for example every Z component files and deconvolve to Acceleration. (using the response of the z channel that I got previously with rdseed) There are a simple answer for that or I have to do it one by one, This is because i have to study the noise of a station in this channel. thank you for any response, Robe… [more]
Larry Baker
2016-10-26 00:31:51
Steve, I was just reading about changes to /usr now being blocked in Mac OS X for another completely different reason today. This may help you. <> I am running El Capitan as of last week. I have not yet tried to install SAC. I already had files in /usr/local, so I did not have to do what this web page says. All I had to do was sudo chown to my new UserID. I think … [more]
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Sachin Tiwari
2016-10-18 14:07:44 - 2016-10-19 01:52:41
Dear Sac_help users, I have some sac data from HYB station located on Indian Shield at Hyderabad. OMARKER doesn't seem to be set at correct value. I requested seed data file and extracted sac data using rdseed using summary file to put the event information in the sac headers. I am not sure what could be the problem. Any suggestion regarding this? NPTS = 87180 B = 3.000000e-04 E = 4.358951e+03 IFTYPE = TIME SERIES FILE LEVEN = TRUE DELTA =… [more]
Josphat Mulwa
2016-10-08 22:40:43
Hi Robert, I have given it a try using the rdseed executable you just send me without success. To confirm whether its rdseed or the data which has a problem, I tried two data sets (recent data-2016 and old data-1990). For the recent data set, i get error message like:- Output data format will be sac.binary. INFO: sac variable EVDP will be in KILOMETERS WARNING (process_data): station/channel AF01/BHZ not found in station/channel tables for location: . Skipping this trace. WARNING (process… [more]
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Kuntal Chaudhuri
2016-10-07 18:17:43 - 2016-10-08 03:52:59
Hi, I am having a problem in SAC. Whenever I am trying to use the p1,p2 or ppk command in SC to plot a seismogram I am getting this error X11 Screen does not exist Segmentation fault (core dumped) and SAC is crashing. I have already installed XQuartz and Matlab is working fine with the GUI using XQuartz. So kindly help me with this matter so that I can further process my data. -- Yours Sincerely Kuntal Chaudhuri PhD Student Department of Earth Sciences University of California Riversi… [more]
Josphat Mulwa
2016-10-05 17:10:20 - 2016-10-06 22:27:25
Dear All, I am trying to convert waveform data from SEED to SAC using rdseed. However, I am getting an error message as below:- Input File (/dev/nrst0) or 'Quit' to Exit: 20160910EQ.seed Output File (stdout) : 20160910EQ !!! Error - Invalid Output File Name... Device will be STDOUT Segmentation fault (core dumped) below What is the cause of this error message?? Regards, Josphat ----------------------------------------- The University of Nairobi is ISO 9001:2008 certified. Website: http… [more]
Josphat Mulwa
2016-10-05 17:12:18
Dear All, I am trying to convert waveform data from SEED to SAC using rdseed. However, I am getting an error message as below:- Input File (/dev/nrst0) or 'Quit' to Exit: 20160910EQ.seed Output File (stdout) : 20160910EQ !!! Error - Invalid Output File Name... Device will be STDOUT Segmentation fault (core dumped) What is the cause of this error message?? Regards, Josphat ----------------------------------------- The University of Nairobi is ISO 9001:2008 certified. Website: htt… [more]
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09:58:34 v.af9cd46b