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Active Message Threads for February 2016

Edgar Paz
2016-02-19 23:29:44 - 2016-02-27 04:14:32
Hi, everyone! I'm working on a local magnitude scale and I need to convert data (which is in meters) to Wood-Anderson. I'm not sure if the parameters in transfer for Wood-Anderson (you know, when you write "transfer from none to wa") are set to nanometers, so when I read amplitudes I don't know if they're shown in meters or nanometers. Or maybe I should change my data in meters to nanometers just before using "transfer from none to wa"? Also, do you know how to find "src" to modify wa.c? I can'… [more]
Elisa Buforn
2016-02-17 20:36:56
Hi, I try to write a hypo file using sac. According to the help sac it is possible using command ppk and option H H Write picks to HYPO pick file {3,4}. However, when I do it, I obtain the following message "Could not find VARS vari" Please, could somebody help me?. Thanks -- Elisa Buforn Catedrática de Física de la Tierra Dept. de Geofísica y Meteorología Fac. CC. Físicas Universidad Complutense 28040 Madrid (Spain) Phone: 34-913944400 Fax: 34-913944398 email: <e… [more]
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Sheila Peacock
2016-02-16 15:49:52
If you know the serial number of one of the Guralp CMG-3T seismometers, you can get the calibration data sheet by emailing with the serial number in the "subject" line of the email. Beware that the poles and zeros are quoted in Hz not radians and are for velocity or acceleration (read the units carefully). Sheila Peacock.
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2016-02-16 01:05:07
Dear all, I try to remove the instrument response for seismograms obtained from IRIS, ORFEUS. These seismograms (Full Seed waveform) recorded KOERI broadband stations. The stations have CMG-3T sensors (120 sec). For this purpose, I have utilised rdseed, evalresp and SAC programs. So, I have used following SAC command to remove instrument response; *rtr* *taper* *transfer from evalresp (resp file) to none freqlim 0.01 0.02 0.2 0.4. * I am not sure this process because of the frequency limit… [more]
Peter Schmidt
2016-02-09 14:15:17
Hi version sac-101.6a (compiled from source 14/10 2014) I currently writing a small C-utility that needs to be able to read SAC files and for this I'm trying to use the sacio library. The utility shall be able to handle both evenly sampled time-domain data as well as spectral data, thus I first attempt reading the sac file using rsac1, check the error code, nerr, and then attempt with rsac2. Further, in order to silence I first run sac_warning_off(); sac_error_off(); sac_output_off(); … [more]
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11:28:53 v.af9cd46b