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Active Message Threads for July 2016

Aderson Nascimento
2016-07-25 02:07:16 - 2016-07-27 12:33:31
Hi All, I have like a few hundred sac traces and want to calculate the average (and std dev) trace... I am positive that writing the data in ascii and then working with scripts (awk etc...) you could achieve this. But I wonder if I could calculate this directly from sac more efficiently. Best, Aderson Nascimento
Karen Assatourians
2016-07-26 22:01:33
Hi, I am having some event files carrying over 1000 time series. I need to read them in sac and apply basic corrections to them at once. But my compiled version of sac does not read over 1000 records. Would you please help me with steps required for adjusting this number to any number (in all required spots of source code) ? I am running virtual CentOS7 and have received both compiled and source codes for SAC 101.6a about two years ago. Thank you, Karen Assatourians
Abhash Kumar
2016-07-19 23:15:52 - 2016-07-23 19:49:33
Hi, I am using "segy2sac" to convert SEG-Y files into SAC format and check the header information. I am successfully able to convert first 9 files from the SEG-Y directory into SAC format using following syntax: segy2sac -d SAC -g segy_file When I try to convert other files from the SEG-Y directory, I get an error of "Abort trap: 6". I looked online to find help for this error and it seems to be related to memory issue. I have enough memory and administrative right to the working directo… [more]
Robert Wagner
2016-07-20 00:01:33 - 2016-07-22 18:11:47
Dear SAC Users, I have observed a possible bug in SAC version 101.6a for Linux (on Ubuntu 14.04) when reading a SAC file that starts with the letters "IB" or "ib" (case does not matter). The error message is "ERROR 1301: No data files read in." This occurs for any SAC file starting with these letters regardless of byte swapping which is not surrounded by quote marks. For example, the following command and output are observed: SAC> r IBDR.BHN.2009.323.06.00.00.SAC ERROR 1301: No data fil… [more]
Milton Plasencia
2016-07-11 17:00:06 - 2016-07-11 19:15:16
Hi, Please, see the page 34 in the sac manual version pdf. The “change" inline function and others (six) exits in 101.6, please check the syntax, perhaps in your macro the change command is not recognized.. I include a page 34 of manual.. HTH, M. > On Jul 11, 2016, at 02:28, Martha Savage <> wrote: > > > Hi, > > I thought I sent this message a couple weeks ago, but I didn't hear any replies so maybe it went to the wrong person. > > I'm trying to get a … [more]
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