SAC Help

A forum for SAC users to exchange ideas and ask questions about SAC usage, installation, portability, etc.

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Active Message Threads for January 2017

Ekin Ozlu
2017-01-30 22:13:22
Dear Madam/Sir, I have some problems in building SAC in cygwin. I have listed my questions in order as follows: 1. I am using Windows and I installed "cygwin". However, I could not open "aux" file in Windows and I tried to change its name as ",aux". In "Makefile" files I replaced "aux" with ",aux", however I think that I miss a point. How can i solve this "aux" problem? 2. My second question is ".dll" files are missed, how can I get them? Sincerely yours Ekin Ozlu Middle East Tech… [more]
Maria Luíza Cardoso
2017-01-26 02:16:29 - 2017-01-26 20:06:36
Hi guys, I'm having troubles trying to merge a large number of noise files. I have SAC files of 1 hour each and I want to obtain first a file of a day and then a file of a week. It's the first time I'm using SAC, so my knowledge is limited. I'm trying to merge them however a message error keeps appearing: ERROR 1801: Header field mismatch: Time Sampling [DELTA]: 0.002000 0.010000 Does anyone know how to fix this time sampling mismatch? All help is welcome! Cheers!
Huth, Dawson
2017-01-18 01:32:35 - 2017-01-18 02:45:50
Hello, I believe I have correctly installed SAC on ubuntu and I have followed instructions from the README file and from this help forum for setting up the environment variables. However, when I try to run SAC I am not getting the SAC> prompt I expect. Instead I get the message "Total: x over 8 days", where x is some number that keeps increasing. How can I get SAC up and running correctly? Thank you, Dawson
Josphat Mulwa
2017-01-13 17:17:36
Dear Rob, This is a follow-up of my problem with rdseed sometimes in November 2016. Kindly find below the sites where to get the seed data volume I am interested in. As usual, expiry is after 7 days from today. Regards, Josphat ======== INSTRUCTIONS for DOWNLOADING your DATA with a WEB BROWSER ======== TO DOWNLOAD your data, click on any one of the following URLs: DIRECT LINK to th… [more]
Roberto Cabieces Diaz
2017-01-11 21:41:36 - 2017-01-12 18:49:37
Hello everyone, So, I have a problema with my file.sac data, the thing is, Because of my data have been a bad GPS time syncronization, every sample of my file dosn't correspond with the real GPS time. But I have a time factor correction to move every data to his real simple. I mean, for example in the original file for the first simple correspond 01h03min33 seconds and i have to rest one second to this simple (and the same operation to all the seismogram) How I have to apply this correction,… [more]
Huth, Dawson
2017-01-12 05:58:14
Hello, I am new to SAC. I have unpacked the files but am still lost on what to do beyond that. I have read the read me file after unpacking and further action is still a bit ambiguous to me. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Maybe I can be pointed to a past thread on the SAC help forum. Thank you, Dawson Huth
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