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Active Message Threads for February 2017

pragyant prada behera
2017-02-27 22:57:05 - 2017-02-28 18:18:58
how to install sac in Ubuntu and windows? please explain elaborately because i m new..
pragyant prada behera
2017-02-27 22:49:51
i have converted a binary data file(seismogram.sac) to alpha numeric data file(seismogram.con.sac) using below command. >convert from sac seismogram.sac to alpha seismogram.con.sac whem i try to read this converted file using below command >r alpha seismogram.con.sac some times it works but sometimes it shows error that file doesn't exist. help with this. after conversion ,i extracted amplitudes from convereted data file using below commamd to a text file(amp.txt) >tail -n +31… [more]
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Maria Luíza Cardoso
2017-02-23 14:41:38 - 2017-02-27 22:37:03
Hi everyone Suddenly I'm having this problem with MERGE command and I don't know why. I tried to merge several SAC files using 'merge overlap average' however keeps appearing the following message: SAC> r *n 1305_2016. 1311_2016. 1400_2016. 1500_2016. 1600_2016. 1700_2016. 1800_2016. 1900_2016. 2000_2016. 2100_2016. 2200_2016. 2300_2016.146… [more]
Maria Luíza Cardoso
2017-01-26 02:16:29 - 2017-02-23 14:31:06
Hi guys, I'm having troubles trying to merge a large number of noise files. I have SAC files of 1 hour each and I want to obtain first a file of a day and then a file of a week. It's the first time I'm using SAC, so my knowledge is limited. I'm trying to merge them however a message error keeps appearing: ERROR 1801: Header field mismatch: Time Sampling [DELTA]: 0.002000 0.010000 Does anyone know how to fix this time sampling mismatch? All help is welcome! Cheers!
Josphat Mulwa
2017-02-22 18:54:22 - 2017-02-22 21:55:13
Hi, Anyone using STF for waveform modeling? I have downloaded stf from; unzipped and untared giving me two directories: Main, Subroutine and one text file: Makefile(text file). How do I compile the Fortran codes in Main so as to end up with the following: sacmacro i_plotw i_green i_inversion i_graphics jb.ptime jb.stime jb.table fort.22 Regards, Josphat ----------------------------------------- The University of Nair… [more]
sharareh ghafoori
2017-02-22 04:00:48 - 2017-02-22 17:24:03
Hi, I need to get the package running on my system (64-bit Linux systems, I have already downloaded it and expanded the .tar.gz file, but I don't know how to run it? when I type: ./sac I get: ERROR: Environmental variable SACAUX not defined. Could you please help me? (I'm very beginner on linux, almost don't know anything). thank you, Sherry
Sachin Tiwari
2017-02-20 20:11:59
Hello Everyone, I am a new sac user and want to do an arithmetic operation on sac header. My user0 headers contains ray parameter values in sec/rad and want it to convert to sec/km and store it in user4. Please help me in this regard. Thank you very much. *Sachin Kumar * *Junior Research Fellow (JRF)* *Dept. of Applied Geophysics* *Indian School Of Mines, Dhanbad* *Jharkhand- 826004, India.* *Mobile No.:+91-7631056163, +91-8540016927* *Email : ** <>… [more]
Abhash Kumar
2017-02-08 23:35:10 - 2017-02-09 21:03:18
Hi, I posted this question earlier and I was unable to get any feedback. I am using instrument corrected SAC files (attached) having file type m/s to create a stacked file. I am using "SUMSTACK" to stack the files as follows: SAC> r 2016.254.00.45.FARN3.BHE.corrected.bp.SAC 2016.254.00.45.FARN4.BHE.corrected.bp.SAC 2016.254.00.45.FARN5.BHE.corrected.bp.SAC SAC> sss Signal Stacking Subprocess. SAC/SSS> timewindow 0 359.99 SAC/SSS> sumstack normalization on SAC/SSS> writestack 2016.254.00.45… [more]
Lukas Janku
2017-02-08 03:37:40 - 2017-02-09 03:58:47
Hi everyone I am having problem (probably) related to some maximum length of the seismic data within Sac. I have been dealing with some really crappy seismic data with messed-up timing. 3 Traces from the same sensor. The data had frequent gaps in them and for some reason, the gaps are occasionally of different lengths for different components. I have about 1 month of continuous record (100 Hz sampling). My timing correction included: 1. Merging all the files from one component together (have… [more]
Abhash Kumar
2017-02-08 18:26:22
Hi, I am using instrument corrected SAC files (attached) having file type m/s to create a stacked file. I am using "SUMSTACK" to stack the files as follows: SAC> r 2016.254.00.45.FARN3.BHE.corrected.bp.SAC 2016.254.00.45.FARN4.BHE.corrected.bp.SAC 2016.254.00.45.FARN5.BHE.corrected.bp.SAC SAC> sss Signal Stacking Subprocess. SAC/SSS> timewindow 0 359.99 SAC/SSS> sumstack normalization on SAC/SSS> writestack 2016.254.00.45.FARN345.stack.SAC I checked the header of the stacked file (attache… [more]
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Abhash Kumar
2017-02-08 07:21:59
Hi, I am using "sumstack" to stack SAC files. I checked the header of the stacked file and the file type is time series file. I want to make spectrogram of ground motion (m/s) using stacked file. Is it possible to stack instrument corrected SAC files such that the stacked file represent ground velocity in meter/second. I would be grateful for any suggestion in this regard. Thanks Abhash Kumar
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2014-04-01 11:40:47 - 2017-02-07 23:05:24
Can anyone help me in generating a H-K stack plot(Zhu and Kanamori) to compute poisson ratio from teleseismic receiver functions? Is there any routine on SAC to do it? Sincerely, Samarth
2017-02-07 07:24:04 - 2017-02-07 16:18:18
Hello, I have to convert my antelope database into sac files. I have been using db2sac without problem, but I am not sure db2sac can handle polarity reversal ( I have a bunch of L22 sensors for which I will have to correct for polarity). Since I couldn’t find anywhere if db2sac support this conversion, I have been trying to use rdseed v5.3.1. In order to populate the header I am using my dataless in this fashion: rdseed -d -o 1 -z 1 -f myday_volumes(miniseed) -g mydata.dataless. I can convert… [more]
Ekin Ozlu
2017-01-30 22:13:22 - 2017-02-06 19:06:54
Dear Madam/Sir, I have some problems in building SAC in cygwin. I have listed my questions in order as follows: 1. I am using Windows and I installed "cygwin". However, I could not open "aux" file in Windows and I tried to change its name as ",aux". In "Makefile" files I replaced "aux" with ",aux", however I think that I miss a point. How can i solve this "aux" problem? 2. My second question is ".dll" files are missed, how can I get them? Sincerely yours Ekin Ozlu Middle East Tech… [more]
Jamie Farrell
2017-02-02 13:32:41 - 2017-02-02 13:49:29
I’ve had this problem in SAC when I read in high sampling rate (1000 Hz) data. When I plot it, it looks like it didn’t read in correctly (see attached figure). Is this a memory problem? [] Thanks, ------------------------------------------ Jamie Farrell Research Assistant Professor Seismograph Stations Dept. of Geology & Geophysics University of Utah 115 S. 1460 E. FASB Rm 212 Salt Lake City, UT 84112 jamie.farrell… [more]
White, Isabel
2017-02-01 19:31:57 - 2017-02-02 05:02:07
Hi, I just installed SAC to my Mac running OS10.12 Sierra. The installation email says that the distribution runs on OS10.7-10.9. I am having problems reading in data and keep receiving the same error: ERROR 1318: Header in disk file is out of date Header version number is incorrect. Header seems byte-swapped -- byte-swap file and retry. I am wondering if this is due to the operating system or some other issue with my installation. Thanks, Isabel
2017-02-01 23:27:39
Hi, I am curious to know about controlling water level in SAC. I am using TRANSFER to remove the instrument response but unable to find an option to do so. Thanks, Umair -- ------------------------------ This message and its contents, including attachments are intended solely for the original recipient. If you are not the intended recipient or have received this message in error, please notify me immediately and delete this message from your computer system. Any unauthorized use or di… [more]
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11:46:08 v.af9cd46b