SAC Help

A forum for SAC users to exchange ideas and ask questions about SAC usage, installation, portability, etc.

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Active Message Threads for March 2019

Sheila Peacock
2019-03-28 19:27:35
Sorry for REALLY stupid question, but does the copy of SAC downloadable from IRIS include bugs fixed after November 21, 2013, which is the date on the IRIS SAC download webpage? I should like a version with bug 736 fixed, which was done in 2015. If the version downloadable from IRIS has bugs fixed more recently than 21st November 2013, could the web page be fixed to give the correct date? If not, where do I get a fixed version? Source code is fine … [more]
Mochammad Husni Rizal
2019-03-25 23:30:34 - 2019-03-26 16:24:21
Hello everyone, I have managed to run sac on my bash terminal, but then after trying to run initialization macro that I made following the README file (inside SACHOME directory) by adding this command lh columns 2 files none; qdp 10000 ; xdiv power off ; xlabel 'Time (sec)' setmacro /usr/local/macros ; transcript history file ./.sachist on /usr/local/macros/init.m , and then adding alias sac '${SACHOME}/bin/sac /usr/local/macros/init.m’ on my bashrc profile and the sourcing it, I got this… [more]
rekik dhouha
2019-03-25 02:30:26 - 2019-03-26 14:22:47
Hello , I have GSE dATA format , can I convert them to SAC Format ? IF yes , how I can treat them . Thanks Provenance : Courrier pour Windows 10 --- L'absence de virus dans ce courrier électronique a été vérifiée par le logiciel antivirus Avast.
  • Re: help - George Helffrich - 2019-03-26 14:22:47
Hijrah Saputra
2019-03-18 17:38:45 - 2019-03-20 17:34:02
where we can get sac.a library in sac. I hope you can help me. Thank you very much in advance
2019-03-16 06:38:14
Hello, I already got the SAC software and started to installed. But when I finished the sac environment setting, I was failed. Here is my result, what is that mean? ~$ sac Total: 13.55 over 4 days. Is there anything wrong? Please tell me. Many thanks, Sharon
Guilherme de Melo
2019-03-14 00:09:27
Dears, I have an earthquakes dataset in css format but the header fields is don't have informations about the events. I am trying write script to the SAC open the files and edit the header informations (EVLA, EVLT, STLA, STLT and STDP). The STLA, STLT and STDP has fix value and it worked normal, but occurred an error with earthquakes coordinates. The coordinates is stored in colummns of a file .txt. I tried use this command to edit the latitude in sac: ch EVLA cut -d " " -f6 Equatorial_earthq… [more]
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Amrouche Mohamed
2019-03-03 12:00:24
Dear SAC community. I am a newbie on using SAC and I just downloaded and unzipped the file in Cygwin. sac-101.6a-linux_x86_64.tar.gz all content are deployed a SAC folder. However, the ./configure and ./make install command doesn't work Could you please le me know how I can configure and install SAC on Cygwin? Thank you in advance. Mohamed Schlumberger-Private
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