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Active Message Threads for February 2020

Sachin Tiwari
2020-02-25 19:57:31
Dear SAC users, I apologize for putting this question here. I am using a Neighbourhood Algorithm (NA) code *raysum_na* for receiver function inversion. This code generated an ensemble of models in* na.nad* (NA direct access (NAD) file of models). But when I am running this code it generates nad file like *na.nad???* (with a question mark). I don't know why these question marks are coming with this *na.nad* file. Any help regarding this problem would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very mu… [more]
Juan Rueda
2020-02-24 16:24:13 - 2020-02-25 12:52:10
Hello. I have a problem with the plotrecorsection command. I can't draw the travel-times on the seismograms, even with the simple example code. I do not understand what's happening. Thanks SAC> datagen sub regional *.z /usr/local/sac/aux/datagen/regional/elk.z ...knb.z ...lac.z ...mnv.z SAC> sss Signal Stacking Subprocess. SAC/SSS> traveltime model iasp91 phase Pn Sn traveltime: depth: 5.000000 km traveltime: Pn at 57.169170 s [ t = 57.169170 s ] traveltime: Sn at 101.… [more]
Abhash Kumar
2020-02-05 09:16:17 - 2020-02-05 19:34:25
Hi, I want to join multiple SAC files of variable duration to create a single SAC file of 24-hour duration. I extracted these SAC files from Antelope database using db2sac. Originally, I tried to extract 24-hour long SAC files for each station, which worked for most of the stations in the database. However, for some stations, instead of getting one SAC file of 24-hour long, I get multiple SAC files of variable sizes for each component. I attached output (from Antelope) SAC files for one parti… [more]
Zoya Zarifi
2020-02-05 13:29:46
Hi, I am trying to read signal of two earthquakes in SAC and plot the spectrograms. I need to compare the power density spectrum. How can I make the range of color scale on pds for both signals to be the same (as we do for Ylim e.g.)? qdp off Ylim -2e5 2e5 cut 55 80 r 2018-12-24-1324.SAC spectrogram window 2 slice .2 method pds order 100 ymin 0 ymax 50 noscaling pause r 2019-02-06-1648.SAC spectrogram window 2 slice .2 method pds order 100 ymin 0 ymax 50 noscaling Best regards, Zoya … [more]
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