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Active Message Threads for April 2021

Alessio Lodato
2021-04-28 22:18:45
Dear, i need to filter a signal derived from a seismometer (output in displacement) from the transfer function of the instrument. What is the procedure to be followed in SAC? Thank you in advance. Regards, AL
2021-04-22 10:27:58 - 2021-04-22 22:43:37
hello; i'am a seismology PhD student. Currently i'm working on how to evaluate the local magnitude of my region, but i found some difficulties to determinate the synthetic wood-andersson seismograme . my questions are: when i use the commande transfer from polezero subtype fname to WA, do i have to deconvoluate the instrument response or i use the raw signal directly ? and do i get the synthetic wood-anderson signal ? also, what is the unit of the amplitude of Wood-Anderson signal ? can you pro… [more]
Félix Rodrigo Rodríguez Cardozo
2021-04-11 16:40:06
Dear all, One seismogram I am working with has the baseline shifted (down figure1). I tried to fix it as usual: rmean; trend. However, the axis amplitude remained exaggerated in comparison to the maximum amplitude. Then I thought to change the header values DEPMEN, DEPMAX and, DEPMIN (figure 2). Unfortunately, the problem continues (up figure1). Any suggestions will be highly appreciated. Thank you, Félix
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2021-03-30 14:28:15 - 2021-04-09 07:16:04
Dear All, I am using the last SAC version on OSX 10.11.6 and I am running into some problems. Following I report a synthesis. Using ppk perplot … markall on and ohpf: If I pick P and S waves I can see, in the graphic window (Xquartz), only information about P waves. Moreover, if I write “ohpf NAME.txt” and then “chpf” the .txt file contains only the closing row “10”. How can I see, in the graphic window , also info about S waves? How can I write in a text file info about picked wave… [more]
Tony Saini
2021-04-06 17:44:12 - 2021-04-07 10:51:07
Dear Sir/mam, there is a problem with KZ time. actually, the year is written 12 rather than 2012 in origin time. can you help me to change this year in kz time?
Guust Nolet
2021-04-06 09:04:22 - 2021-04-06 20:08:05
I am trying to correct Mermaid hydrophone seismograms for their instrument response, but encounter a problem with the polezero file. I am running SEISMIC ANALYSIS CODE [03/05/2020 (Version 102.0)] on a Mac Powerbook. The forward conversion from ’none’ to the instrument response works fine, but going backwards I get an error message. For example: SAC> funcgen boxcar delta 0.05 npts 2048 SAC> p SAC> trans from none to polezero S pzmm Station (-12345 ), Channel (-12345 ) Using polezero respo… [more]
Sheila Peacock
2021-04-06 09:43:20
Dear SAC users, I have just had my computer upgraded to Fedora-33 from 29, and my locally compiled copy of SAC-102 has lost the ability to do command-line editing (e.g. pressing the up-arrow does not get me back to the previous command). I had compiled SAC-102 on Fedora-29 and was running it on Fedora-33, so I did "make distclean" and recompiled on Fedora-33, but with no better luck. The version of "libedit" that comes with Fedora-29 is v. 0.0.56, and with Fedora-33 is 0.0.63, and there is a… [more]
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11:38:56 v.af9cd46b