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Active Message Threads for June 2021

Pilar Di Martino P
2021-06-21 08:19:49 - 2021-06-22 18:52:43
Hi, I have not been able to install the new version of SAC. I do not know if I am missing a ‘configure’ or ‘makefile’ in the main folder. Please could you advise me on what to do after decompressing the folder? Thanks. Note: I am working with Ubuntu installed on a Virtual Machine in Windows.
Sheila Peacock
2021-06-21 08:20:58 - 2021-06-21 10:44:11
Dear all, I am considering upgrading my Mac to Big Sur and wondered if anyone had done this and successfully run SAC on it. I have the v102 pre-compiled binary and have no great desire to compile SAC-102 from source if it can be avoided, although if necessary I will try. Thanks! Regards, Sheila Peacock.
Ray Russo
2021-06-18 14:45:11 - 2021-06-19 13:53:38
Hi - I'm trying to use a SAC macro+sh script that dates back decades, ttsac. Here's the issue, which as far as I know is specific to the recent SAC 102 release. The macro calls the shell script and the shellscript is supposed to write drop files to /tmp for later use by plotc. However, the shell script generates only an empty file, /tmp/ttsac.pcf. The problem exists for both my long-in-the-tooth personal version and George's version from the SACbook github site. Operative lines of code are… [more]
Pritesh Soni
2021-06-16 17:31:38 - 2021-06-17 13:52:36
Dear All, I have RTSMN earthquake data and I need to convert it to SEED format so that I can extract the data with rdseed. The following data is generated by a trillium-240 seismometer and digitizer "Taurus" which suggests that the data is in either SEISAN, MiniSEED or ASCII format. However, I tried to convert it using SEISAN software through the WAVETOOL package. but during conversion it is not recognizing or reading data in any type of format (mseed,ascii,seisan + also tried considering see… [more]
Aubreya Adams
2021-06-05 20:38:29 - 2021-06-09 18:26:05
I’ve just recently downloaded SAC (v102.0) onto a new loaner Mac (OS 10.15.7 Catalina) while my own is getting repairs. I’ve getting an error message like the one below when I read in data: SAC> r XO.LT20..HHZ.M__at__2019-03-01T08.59.06.412Z.SAC WARNING: minimum precision > sampling rate: t1 = 2392957.750000 sampling rate (delta): 0.010000 32-bit minimum precision: 0.250000 WARNING: minimum precision > sampling rate: t2 = 2392957.750000 sampling rate (delta): … [more]
Alessio Lodato
2021-06-03 16:50:53 - 2021-06-05 00:20:52
Dear, i need to deconvolve a signal using "general seismometer" function. How is it possible to set parameters as damping and natural frequency? I don't find anything in manual. Thank you in advance, Alessio Lodato
Aqeel Abbas
2021-05-20 12:36:35 - 2021-06-04 15:18:02
Dear All, I found lag time around 2 seconds for each day in my data by using cross correlation. 1: I modified the KZDATE and KZTIME based on lag time. 2: Later, when I want to compare arrival times for all stations in SAC for teleseismic event modifying header according to event time, (I modified the station files according to events info such as evla, evlo,evdp,kztime and kzdate) 3. But it gives the same arrival time for the corrected and original sac file. What is the possible wa… [more]
12:17:20 v.af9cd46b